Young Professionals (YP) Mentoring Session

Thursday | May 9, 2024 | 8:30 - 10:30

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Motivation and Background:

This Mentoring Session is organized IEEE Education Society Young Professional with support with IEEE Education Society Conferences Team & Under Leadership of Ms. Diana Andone Vice President Conferences, IEEE Education Society. This will feature invited mentors with diverse backgrounds to speak on mentoring. The program would expose participants (both mentors and mentees) to benefits such as supporting career development, expanding professional network, further developing skill set or competency, seeing another person’s perspective, sharing knowledge and experiences, and enhancing a personal brand.

IEEE Education Society YP Mentoring Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that connect mentees with experts in the society to learn and develop. Career mentoring helps you to expand networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills. Join us now to start developing personal and professional relationships with others in the organization who can help you learn and grow. Take the first step in furthering your professional development by joining today!

The IEEE Education Society YP strives for the professional growth of its members and is particularly committed to promoting and sustaining the interest of students and young professionals in engineering fields that traditionally fall under the IEEE Education Society.  We recognize that active engagement and collaboration between experienced and young Edsoc members is a catalyst for effective integration within our community. This important process should not be left to chance. This is why we have implemented a structured program that helps to connect students and young professionals with more experienced Edsoc members for a two-way exchange.

The IEEE Education Society YP  has an excellent core of distinguished international members distributed across industry, academia, and government, who are experts in their field and who are willing to share their time and experience to develop future leaders in the areas

Benefits of the program:

The program allows participants the complete flexibility to manage the frequency, duration, and method of interaction in a way that suits both the Mentor and Mentee. The IEEE Education Society promotes a wide range of networking and mentorship styles with a spectrum of benefits tailored to individual participants. More information can be found in the Mentor and Mentee areas below as well as on the Testimonials pages. The IEEE Education Society provides ongoing guidance and support for participants to get the most out of the program.

Participation in the program requires mentees and mentors to be IEEE Education Society members. Mentees may be members of any grade. Student and Young professional participation is highly encouraged. Mentors must be above student member grade. Instructions on how to become an IEEE Education Society member can be found at

Why Become a Mentor?

  • DEVELOP feedback and critical thinking skills
  • GROW your network within the organization
  • ADVANCE your leadership skills
  • GAIN better understanding of the organization

Why Become a Mentee?

  • GROW professional networks
  • LEARN to navigate workplace challenges
  • DEVELOP your leadership skills
  • EXPLORE opportunities and build your career path

Program at a Glance:

  1. A brief introduction
  2. Participants will be able to meet and speak with invited mentors in a small group setting. Participants are encouraged to 
  3. Identify and agree on a longer-term mentor-mentee relationship by the end of the session. The round-table discussion could cover the topics of mutual interest and the longer-term relationship could follow IEEE Mentoring Program via Collabratec.

Mentoring Program Format:

  1. Introduction
  2. Small Group discussion (example areas of mutual interest)
  3. Career path: Academia vs. Industry
  4. Starting a career at a new institution
  5. Funding (Federal or industrial funding)
  6. People networking and communication skills
  7. Collaboration issues
  8. Job interviews (Academia and industry)
  9. Other
  10. Going forward - longer term relationship

Organizers & Committee Members:
1. Ms. Diana Andone Vice President Conferences, IEEE Education Society
2. Sai Prashanth M, Young Professional Representative, IEEE Education Society
3. Puneet Sharma, Member, IEEE Education Society YP Adhoc Committee
4. Maria Giulia Ballatore, Member, IEEE Education Society YP Adhoc Committee
5. Dr. M V V Prasad, Member, IEEE Education Society YP Adhoc Committee
6. M. Rajani, Member, IEEE Education Society YP Adhoc Committee

Committee Chairs:
Ad Hoc Young Professionals Committee, Sai Prashanth Mallellu
Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, Pritpal Singh
IEEE Women in Engineering Representative, Lisa Huettel
IEEE EdSoc Publication Editor-in-Chiefs
RITA, Carina Gonzalez
Transactions on Education, Ann Sobel
Transactions on Learning Technologies, Minjuan Wang